Wednesday, February 23, 2011

*stylish rattan bags,made in Indonesia

master of wicker who created new set of mannequins for me

As you've seen with my previous collection of products and decoration props.... i've been working with many artisans in thailand and finally end up with finished products made by my talented sewing makers

I like anything made by hand and especially hand woven things made of natural fibre ...there is one village in Chiangmai specialising in wicker baskets and I worked with a wicker master for special design of mannequins

My original idea for the next step was to create fine rattan clutch bags of a more modern design for luxury purpose, but difficult to find anyone who'd love to produce my first prototype, however I stumbled upon a big factory in Indonesia producing a variety of rattan bags designs and mostly for export.... their production seems to be more advanced than in Thailand as they have better quality of natural fiber...and they also do production for well known fashion brands of bags like Kate Spade

This collection of sophisticated rattan bags is 100 % imported...I'm not too nationalistic, putting more emphasis on original design... if they produce quality and fine products, i'd love to support them and proud to recommend them to my available in our shop, one of a kind with unique design


  1. I would love to buy one of your bags! Need info on your shop and whether I can buy them from you online?

  2. Laura,
    sorry for late replied
    bags of 1st,4st,5st photo,are sold out
    please specify which one you like and leave your email,i'll reply back stead away
